Call a Function From Another File Matlab
Endfunction res func2 x res x 2. A function has its own workspace and that has definite advantages in certain situations. Matlab User Defined Functions Function fh1 fh2. . In this example we will learn how to call the remainder function in MATLAB. Def subtractNumbers a b. Calling function from another m file. PrintDivision is a b def modulusNumbers a b. Posted by 3 years ago. How do i obtain results of a function I created by calling it from another script file. --------- mainm ---------------- considering that you have written two functions calling func1m and func2m y1 func1 x1x2. Y2 func2 x1y1. Now call the function form another Matlab script as follows plese define all input argumnets before use it out1out2out3fun1 in1in2in3 Here out1out2out3in1in2in3 are the output and input variable names you can chooses any name. You cant if the functions are defined as local functions in the script1...